with licensed facilitator Kathryn Smyth

Do you run your own professional services business?

Do you need help knowing where to focus your marketing efforts, coming up with new ideas, or putting more energy into your marketing?

Or are you unsure of where to begin, struggling with too many ideas, lacking the confidence necessary to promote yourself to prospective clients, and generally feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of options available for marketing your services?

Discover the tried and tested GET CLIENTS NOW!TM method and programme to focus your efforts and guarantee the development and success of your freelance business!

GET CLIENTS NOW! - The simple 28-day marketing plan

Whether you are brand new in business or a seasoned professional, the GET CLIENTS NOW!TM 28-day marketing plan is the solution for you!

The GET CLIENTS NOW! marketing plan is a straightforward, structured yet flexible, and highly-effective system. It teaches you how to create an endless stream of clients by doing just 10 simple things on a daily or weekly basis.

GET CLIENTS NOW! is ideal for practically all professional services businesses. Here are just a few examples:


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Click the button below to download your free e-book,
Five Secrets To Finding All The Clients You’ll Ever Need
by GET CLIENTS NOW!TM author, C.J. Hayden

Get Clients Now!: A 28-Day Marketing Program for Professionals, Consultants, and Coaches

The best-selling book GET CLIENTS NOW!TM by C.J. Hayden, today in its third edition, has helped thousands of independent professionals across the world to dramatically increase their client base.
This practical guide uses a simple cookbook model to help readers identify the ingredients missing from their current marketing and prospecting activities, select the right strategies and tools from a menu of options, and create a 100% customized action plan to get more clients.

Purchase GET CLIENTS NOW!TM today from Amazon UK or Amazon France.

The 1-hour Discovery Session

An individual 1-hour consultation (in French or English) comprising the following:

  • An in-depth look at your business development needs.
  • An introduction to the GET CLIENTS NOW!TM method and how it will help you achieve your professional and personal goals.
  • A clear and actionable vision of how to grow and develop your business.

The 8-hour Professional Training Programme

Based on the best-selling book of the same name, the GET CLIENTS NOW!TM programme is a complete sales and marketing system that has been used by thousands of business owners, consultants and other professional services providers throughout the world since 1995.

This combined professional training and coaching programme teaches over 100 tactics and practical, ‘how-to’ tools for effectively and efficiently marketing your professional services to create an endless stream of prospects and clients.

Throughout the duration of the 6-week programme comprising 8 hours of training and coaching, you will learn:

Kathryn Smyth is Datadock referenced
  • The marketing strategies and actions that really work for professional services businesses, and those that don’t.
  • How to assess where you need to most concentrate your marketing efforts using the Universal Marketing Cycle.
  • The missing ingredients you need to make your marketing instantly more effective.
  • How to design a marketing program that is not only tailored to your specific business, sector or profession, but also suited to your personality, strengths, and the activities you enjoy most.
  • How to create a customized, affordable and realistic marketing plan that produces fast and tangible results, and that can be reused as often as necessary.
  • Over 100 marketing tactics and tools you can easily implement for marketing your business and prospecting clients.
  • How to break out of “analysis paralysis”, determine exactly what you need to be doing first and then every step of the way.
  • How to overcome obstacles to effective action, such as fear, resistance and procrastination.
  • How doing only 10 simple things on a daily or weekly basis can bring you in all the clients you will ever need, while also promoting greater work-life balance.

What you get with your enrollment on the 6-week programme:

Week 1

One half-day training seminar
or two 90-minute webinars:

  • Learn how the 28-day programme will help you understand the basic principles of professional services marketing and determine where you are stuck in your current marketing efforts.
  • Design the ideal 28-day programme for your specific situation, implementing the best marketing strategies based on your personal strengths, target market and business development needs or goals.

Weeks 2-5

Four hours of small-group or individual training & support:

  • Review the aspects of your programme that are working and those that are proving more challenging or need tweaking.
  • Measure your progress towards accomplishing your goal.

1 session per week throughout
the 28-day period, by phone
or webinar

Week 6

One follow-up session
(1 hour):

  • Officially conclude the programme.
  • Celebrate everything you have accomplished over the previous four weeks of the marketing plan.
  • Discuss your post-GET CLIENTS NOW!TM programme plans.

You also get:

  • A toolkit of tested sales and marketing techniques.
  • Your own customized 28-day marketing plan that you can use over and over.
  • Coaching, accountability, perspective and support from both Kathryn and your fellow participants (if enrolled on a small-group course).

And, of course, CLIENTS!

Next session of the full Get Clients Now! programme coming soon.

Discovery session*

Individual 1-hour consultation
  • Analysis of your marketing needs
  • Introduction to the GCN method
  • An action plan to develop your business

Small-group programme**

8 hours of training & coaching over 6 weeks
  • Customized 28-day marketing plan
  • Toolkit of sales & marketing techniques
  • Requires the GET CLIENTS NOW! book

Individual programme

8 hours of training & coaching over 6 weeks
  • Customized 28-day marketing plan
  • Toolkit of sales & marketing techniques
  • Requires the GET CLIENTS NOW! book

* For all subsequent subscriptions to the full 8-hour training & coaching programme within a period of 6 months, deduction of the cost of the Discovery session.    
** From 2 to 8 participants.

The Discovery session and Week 1 training on the small-group and individual programmes can take place in person in Nantes or by webinar.
The coaching sessions in Weeks 2 to 6 take place by webinar or phone.

The Discovery session and full 6-week programme can be also be organized in French. However, the full programme requires the use of the GET CLIENTS NOW!TM book and therefore an excellent understanding of written English.

About Kathryn

Originally from Northern Ireland, I have been living and working in France since 1994. I hold a B.A.(Hons) degree in European Business Studies and a Master’s degree in Technical Writing and Translation.

From corporate executive to freelance professional

After a corporate career spanning 18 years in various sectors of industry, during which I held executive positions in Sales & Marketing, Project Management and Economic Intelligence, I set up my first freelance business as a technical translator in Nantes in 2012 (LanguageApart).

Taking my freelance business to the next level

I discovered the GET CLIENTS NOW!TM book in early 2014, at a time when I was frustrated with the feast-or-famine nature of my business and the relatively low rates I was being paid by my clients. By applying the principles outlined in the book, I increased my turnover by 40% that year through prospecting new translation clients willing to pay me higher rates for my services. Since then, I have also been able to negotiate significantly higher prices with my existing clients, and I continue to increase my turnover each year. Today, my marketing efforts are so effective that I have prospects contacting me on a regular basis! I can directly credit the success of my translation business to the marketing plan I implemented thanks to the GET CLIENTS NOW!TM system. 

In 2015, I joined the Board of a non-profit organization (Fédération Nationale des Autoentrepreneurs et Microentrepreneurs) that works to advise, train and empower self-employed professionals. This led me to launch a new business activity in professional training. From there, it seemed a natural and logical step to become a licensed GET CLIENTS NOW!TM facilitator. Thanks to my experience, I can provide other freelance professionals with the insights and support necessary to create and/or grow their freelance activity and achieve sustainable business results – while also enjoying greater work-life balance!

Kathryn Smyth

Licensed GET CLIENTS NOW! facilitator


The simple 28-day marketing plan for freelance professionals

Kathryn Smyth
18 Avenue Sainte Anne, 44100 Nantes, France
Tel +33 (0)2 53 78 41 04
info @

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